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Nashville GWIS stands with Black Lives Matter

Dear Nashville GWIS, 

We are deeply saddened and frustrated by the violent and unjust murders of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, and Ahmaud Arbery, along with many more Black men and women. We want you to know that Nashville GWIS stands with Black Lives Matters and echoes the sentiments of the National GWIS chapter ( We are working as a board to figure out how our organization can best support our Black community and our Black scientist community. Know that we are open to any and all thoughts, suggestions, and concerns and we are here to support members of our Black community in any way possible. We are actively listening and learning and are committed to being a part of the change in greater Nashville to eliminate systemic racism. I know many of you have likely seen these resources, but here are important lists of calls to action and educational resources. 

We are garnering interest for a virtual town hall/discussion on how we can best support our Black community and actively take steps towards eliminating systemic racism. If you are interested in participating, please fill out this brief anonymous poll so we can get a headcount. We are in the process of developing a format. 

I hope everyone is staying safe and healthy. Please know that GWIS is a community you can reach out to if you need anything - science or non-science!  


Anna Kasdan, President GWIS Nashville, and the entire GWIS Nashville Executive Board 

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